Money Tracking

Welcome to Money Tracking App by B2, where simplicity meets innovation. Our app redefines user experience with a unique emphasis on facial recognition technology, ensuring secure access to your financial dashboard. With powerful data visualization tools, users gain invaluable insights into their financial habits effortlessly. Our analytics feature enables easy export of data to CSV or JSON formats, facilitating seamless integration with other applications. Manage your transactions effortlessly with options to delete, update, and add new entries. Additionally, our reliable backup and restore feature safeguards your data, offering peace of mind in the digital age. Discover the complete range of features in our dedicated section below.

How I Got Here

Unlock the Power of Your Finances with Money Tracking App by B2. Dive into a world where financial management becomes a breeze, powered by an array of innovative features designed to revolutionize the way you handle your money.


Face Recognition:

Gone are the days of cumbersome passwords and PINs. With our cutting-edge facial recognition technology, accessing your financial dashboard is as simple as a glance. Feel the confidence of top-tier security measures seamlessly integrated into your daily routine.

Data Visualization:

Step into a realm of clarity and insight with our robust data visualization tools. Watch your financial data come to life through stunning graphical representations. Whether it's tracking your income, monitoring expenses, or understanding spending patterns, our visuals offer a comprehensive overview that empowers informed decision-making.


Elevate your financial strategy with our advanced analytics feature. Delve deep into your financial data, uncovering hidden trends and opportunities with ease. From custom reports to actionable insights, our analytics suite equips you with the tools to optimize every aspect of your financial life.

Transaction Management:

Streamline your financial transactions like never before. Our intuitive interface allows for effortless management of income and expenses. Add, update, or delete transactions with a few clicks, all while enjoying the flexibility to categorize and organize your financial activity according to your needs.


Safeguard your financial data with our reliable backup and restore functionality. Say goodbye to the anxiety of data loss as our app ensures that your information is securely stored and readily available for restoration whenever needed. Whether it's a routine backup or a crucial recovery, rest assured that your financial records are in safe hands.

A Few More Words About Money tracking

Experience the Future of Financial Management Today. Join the ranks of savvy users who have unlocked the full potential of their finances with Money Tracking App by B2. Embrace simplicity, security, and empowerment on your journey to financial success.


Reviews From Real Clients

"Sejak pakai Money Tracking App, gaji saya tidak lagi habis sebelum akhir bulan. Saya bisa mengatur anggaran dengan lebih baik dan menabung untuk membeli rumah impian. Terima kasih Money Tracking App!"

Author image Rina Surtina Private Employee.

"Money Tracking App membantu saya mengelola keuangan keluarga dengan mudah. Saya bisa melacak pengeluaran dan memastikan anggaran belanja tidak terlampaui. Terima kasih Money Tracking App, sekarang rumah tangga saya lebih sejahtera!"

Author image Ana Surjana Housewife.

"Money Tracking App membantu saya mengatur uang saku dan menghindari boros. Saya bisa menabung untuk biaya pendidikan dan mewujudkan tujuan masa depan. Terima kasih Money Tracking App!

Author image Bima Wijaya high school students.

"Sebagai anak kost, mengatur keuangan adalah hal yang penting. Dengan Money Tracking App, saya bisa melacak pengeluaran dan memastikan budget saya tidak terlampaui. Fitur pengingat tagihan juga sangat membantu saya agar tidak telat membayar. Terima kasih Money Tracking App, sekarang hidup saya sebagai anak kost jadi lebih mudah dan terarah!"

Author image Bina Sutisna boarding student.

Get started with a money tracking today.

You can try the experience of managing expenses and income by clicking the button below!

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