
Take Control of Your Finances: Introducing [Money Tracking App], Your All-in-One Money Tracker

[Money Tracking App] is a secure and user-friendly web application designed to help you track your income and expenses effortlessly. We are Group B2, a passionate group of students who believe everyone deserves clear and accessible tools to manage their money. The idea for [Money Tracking App] was born in 2024 out of a desire to create a user-friendly and effective money management tool.

[Money Tracking App] is a web-based application accessible from any device with an internet connection. This allows you to manage your finances on the go, wherever you are. We believe that financial literacy and awareness are crucial for a secure and fulfilling life. [Money Tracking App] empowers you to take control of your finances, set realistic goals, and make informed financial decisions.

[Money Tracking App] offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to track your income and expenses. You can categorize your spending and take insight from our automatically generated chart based on your daily, weekly, and monthly spending. For a safe and fast sign-in option, we provide a face recognition feature to access the app.


Web Tracking Money: Help You Manage Your Finances Easily.

Web Tracking Money is an online platform that helps you track and manage your finances with ease. Its advanced features:

Data Visualization

The data visualization feature provides users with graphical representations of their financial data, such as income, and spending. User can choose to view their data on a daily, weekly, quarterly, or yearly basis, providing them with a comprehensive overview of their financial habits. This helps users to easily understand their financial situation at a glance, identify trends, and make informed decisions about their finances.


The analytics feature allows users to analyze their financial data in more detail by providing tools for generating custom reports and insights. Users can export their data to CSV or JSON format, enabling them to perform further analysis using external tools or software.


The manage feature allows users to easily add, update, and delete their income and spending transactions. Users can categorize their transactions, and view their transaction history, providing them with greater control over their finances.

Backup & Restore

The backup and restore feature allows users to securely save their financial data and restore it at a later time if needed. Users can export their transactions and account information to a CSV or JSON file, ensuring that their data is safely backed up. In case of accidental deletion or loss of data, users can easily restore their information from the backup file, ensuring continuity of their financial records.


Money tracking was created because of the needs of the stackholders. here are some suitable users using money tracking

Money Tracking App is an app specifically designed to help you track your expenses and income, manage your budget, and achieve your financial goals. With advanced features and easy to use, Money Tracking App is the right solution for your financial needs. your financial needs.

Whatever your needs, Money Tracking App is here to help:

  • Office Employees: Manage your salary and realize your dreams of financial freedom with these smart and frugal tips.
  • Housewives: Manage family finances easily, create a smart and prosperous household.
  • Students: Manage your allowance, make achievements, and realize a bright future.


Reviews From Real Clients

"Sejak pakai Money Tracking App, gaji saya tidak lagi habis sebelum akhir bulan. Saya bisa mengatur anggaran dengan lebih baik dan menabung untuk membeli rumah impian. Terima kasih Money Tracking App!"

Author image Rina Surtina Private Employee.

"Money Tracking App membantu saya mengelola keuangan keluarga dengan mudah. Saya bisa melacak pengeluaran dan memastikan anggaran belanja tidak terlampaui. Terima kasih Money Tracking App, sekarang rumah tangga saya lebih sejahtera!"

Author image Ana Surjana Housewife.

"Money Tracking App membantu saya mengatur uang saku dan menghindari boros. Saya bisa menabung untuk biaya pendidikan dan mewujudkan tujuan masa depan. Terima kasih Money Tracking App!

Author image Bima Wijaya high school students.

"Sebagai anak kost, mengatur keuangan adalah hal yang penting. Dengan Money Tracking App, saya bisa melacak pengeluaran dan memastikan budget saya tidak terlampaui. Fitur pengingat tagihan juga sangat membantu saya agar tidak telat membayar. Terima kasih Money Tracking App, sekarang hidup saya sebagai anak kost jadi lebih mudah dan terarah!"

Author image Bina Sutisna boarding student.

Get started with a money tracking today.

You can try the experience of managing expenses and income by clicking the button below!

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